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Saturday, May 3, 2014

As Nigeria marks World Press Freedom Day today, NGE President, Femi Adesina, says 'free press in our collective interest'

Femi Adesina
As Nigeria joins the rest of the world to mark World Press Freedom
Day today, May 3, the national president of Nigerian Guild of Editors (NGE), the umbrella body of all senior journalists in Nigeria, Mr. Femi Adesina, in a press statement signed and sent by him to SHOWBIZPLUSng stated that the occasion affords us all the opportunity to reflect once again on the state of the media in our country.
“As Nigeria goes through very grave trials, threatening the very foundation of its existence, it is imperative that all stakeholders forge a synergy to save the ship of state from running aground.  If there is any
time government should see the media as ally in national development, rather than adversary, it is now.
Without a free press, good governance cannot be guaranteed, the fight against corruption would at best be
tepid, our political development would be stunted and sluggish, while the fundamental rights of the citizenry would be trampled upon with impunity.  But a free press will accelerate national development, and engender the country of our dreams, which yet remains in the realm of envisioning.”

Speaking further, Adesina, who is also the managing director and editor-in-chief of the The Sun Newspapers stated: “No doubt, the atmosphere in which
the press operates today is far better than what it used to be, but it is not yet Uhuru.  We still have very
serious assaults against journalists and media workers, bordering on infringement of their fundamental human rights, and attempt to stifle and muzzle them.  Only recently, an editor was abducted from his home in Lagos, manacled for 12 hours, and driven
to another state, where he was slammed with charges of sedition. Journalists are still harassed,
intimidated, brutalized, and even killed outright.  The country is replete with cases of journalists killed in
the line of duty in recent years, and not a single one of such cases has been unravelled by our security agencies.  When the media is under assault,
it is to the detriment of us all.  As observed by UN
Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, “freedom of expression, independent media and universal access to
knowledge will fortify our efforts to achieve lasting results for people and
the planet.”
With 70 journalists killed worldwide last year, 211 held in various prisons, and well over 1,000 killed
since 1992, let us use this occasion of World Press Freedom Day to rededicate ourselves as a country to a free press, which can work without intimidation,
harassment and interference. 
“Our country will be the better for it.  It is in our collective interest. That is the way Nigeria can realise her potentials, attain the vision of
our founding fathers, and bequeath a worthy legacy to generations unborn. If any leader at whatever level,
however, chooses to remain antagonistic to the media, such needs to be reminded that the media ultimately survives to publish the fall from grace of its adversaries. Nigerian editors pledge to uphold
the finest traditions of their calling, and play our roles in national development on this auspicious day.”

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