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Friday, November 4, 2016

I Don’t Have the Experience Of Owning A Fashion School - Ruggedman Confesses

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Michael Ugochukwu Stephens, popularly known as Ruggedman has said that he prefers to have a rap school than having a fashion school which he did not prepare for.

He said his plans was to build up the brand TSW, and make it a house hold name. He added that he was not qualified to own a fashion school at the moment although he may have it later in the future as the case may be.
 “The intention of having a fashion school? Oh that will be like a long time from now. What Ruggedman is trying to do now is build up the brand TSW. Make it a household name first. We have to have a CV and the experience first. If you want to talk about me forming a rap school, YES! I’m qualified. But the fashion school, nah! Not yet. I’m still building that for now.”

Speaking about media bias, he said that it was unavoidable as long as there are people who think differently from the way you think. He pointed that if you grant a Journalist an interview and the person becomes unprofessional with the information supplied as a result of misconception, next time do not grant him/her. Look for a more professional person, that way, you would be saving your ass.

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