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Saturday, August 2, 2014

Finally, Naeto C opens up on rumoured affair with Sasha P

Sasha and Naeto C hanging out
In this interview monitored by SHOWBIZPLUSng, music star and father of two, Naeto C, talks passionately about his wife, alleged romance with Sasha P, silver spoon upbringing and other interesting issues.
How has marriage been for you?
It has been cool and I bless God for the kind of union I have. For me marriage is good when you are ripe for it. I am indeed happy.
Now that you are married, what does marriage mean to you?
Marriage means different things to different people. For me, it’s companionship, it’s everlasting friendship, it’s about two people and how you live out life together. I believe the word itself is the union of two people of opposite sex under the umbrella of your religion of which you have obligations and roles. I think friendship, companionship and trust are more important than the word marriage itself. I think a lot of people get married without really knowing this. It’s like you get a contract and you just read the title without reading the content. It’s not for everybody, you have to find the right time and do the right things.
So, how have you been able to manage your family’s privacy?
It has been the trend for very long that the media is very keen on following celebrities’ marriages. I think that in that respect, your private life as an entertainer is the only thing that you have for yourself. Your public life, you share with other people so I think for the sake of sanity, just keep a little bit of that which you own for yourself and be in total control of something you’d want to protect no matter what. In different ways and in different situations, you just have to protect that.
Have you gotten temptations from other women after your marriage?
Everybody get tempted now and then. Even Jesus was tempted. But what matters most is how you come out of it. I guess it’s a blessing from God to be wise enough to survive.
Have you ever fallen for one?
By God’s grace I am a responsibly married man.
You mean responsible or faithful?
(Laughs) Both. I am from a family where you just have to be responsible and faithful.
It was reported sometimes ago that you were in love with Sasha, now that you are married are you still friends?
We have never stopped being friends. We never dated as people insinuated, we were only good friends and label mates. I like her spirit.  
Would you have married Sasha if you didn’t meet your wife?
We didn’t date, so how would I have married her? Please, let’s talk about my music.
Tell us how you have been able to manage your image as a music star and a married man without scandals?
I go to public places by myself, act like a normal person and I think me acting like a normal person diffuses the level of attention I get. I don’t talk about my business freely and openly; I don’t do too much press either. I just let music and my actions speak for themselves.
You call yourself “the only MC with an MSc” in Nigeria. Why did you come up with that phrase?
It’s rap; rap is competitive. At that point, I thought I was the only person at that level that was trying to get an MSc. Till tomorrow, that has been my strongest line because it’s gotten me to so many places and gotten the attention of so many great people who also commend me. It has put me in a totally different lane. There is nothing really to feel about it, it is just lyrics. It doesn’t make me better than anybody; I think one of the greatest achievements in getting that degree was that as a person the society is looking up to, I used that and inspired other people too. It was after I said it that other people came up saying this person and that person also have Masters. I was like if they had it, why didn’t they think it was important to celebrate it?
What added advantage has it given you?
Well, it has broadened my horizon, my options and opportunities. I can decide tomorrow that I don’t want to do music anymore and still go into other things. It has also given me a certain edge on a professional standpoint and it has also made me develop other interests. Another thing is that it has helped me mature quickly in a short time, which might also translate within my music. Apart from that, it has not made me a better rapper or given me more punch lines.
How unique is the Naeto C sound?
I think that it will be for my audience to judge, I just try to make it as unique as possible.
There seems to be a lot of poetry in your rhymes, what types of books were you exposed to as a kid?
Honestly, I don’t really have a good memory so I can’t remember clearly the books that I read, but now, I read newspapers everyday and I go online to read what people have on blogs. I am online most of the times, in terms of books it gets difficult for me to read books. Although I move around a lot and so I think it is quite difficult in moving around and reading books. Like all good Christians, I read my Bible. I just like reading fast. Things I can finish in a jiffy, because normally I live a fast paced life.

What is your role as a musician, are you a preacher or teacher?

I just make music that people can take the right way. I don’t deliver a specific message; I just say what is on my mind.
What other plans do you have professionally?
I’m an entrepreneur obviously. In this landscape of today, especially in the entertainment industry, you have to be in charge of your business, you have to be able to run your business the way you deem fit. Not everybody can do that but that is the way I was given the opportunity. I was given a baton such that I have to do everything myself. As a growing entrepreneur, you will always be looking for business opportunities to make a difference, to make a change. But I’m a private person, I’m not the kind of person who starts a business and wants to tell everybody. To focus on the real work, you don’t want that much attention.
Your mum is well known in Nigeria, has her career as a politician influenced yours in any way?
I don’t really think her being a politician has affected my career in a direct way. My mother is somebody of high standards. She is somebody I look up to and I can only aspire to be like her. It doesn’t really have anything to do with her being a politician or an Ambassador or minister.
On a personal level, what influence has she had on you as a politician, aside from your career?
The whole issue of my mum being in politics doesn’t really have anything to do with the form of encouragement that she gives that makes me carry myself with respect. Being the type of artiste I am, respect for me is a personal thing. As a politician, she can influence me. She influenced how I was brought up and the standards I try to maintain based on my relationship with her. Her job description has nothing to do with our relationship.
Do you have any plans of going into politics?
Not really. The irony of occupying such high positions in politics is that you have to have high examples. Because you have people who are looting, who are not setting the right standards.
Tell us more about your mum.
She is everything to me. What can I say, she is inspirational, she is a wonderful woman, very nice and intelligent. She is everything I could wish for a mother.

Talking about your interest in music as a kid, did your parents encourage you?
No, they didn’t encourage me, they thought I should focus more on education, so initially they discouraged me.
When you eventually decided to pick up music did they condemn it, were they not embarrassed especially your mum?
There is nothing to be embarrassed about. What is the big deal in your kid doing music? I mean, that is why they are your kids. You love them unconditionally. My mum wasn’t embarrassed, it was very important for me to get serious with my studies, and not get victimized by dropping out of school.

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